How-to: Validate Bank Account Information (Merchant Portal)
Log in
Log into the reporting website with your user credentials.
Access the Risk Section
Navigate to the Main Menu and select Risk.
Navigate to Bank Account Validations
Click the Bank Account Validations option.
Validate Account
Click the Validate Account button.
Select Your Merchant Account
Choose the Merchant (this should be your Company).
Enter Receiver’s Bank Information
Enter the routing number and account number you wish to validate.
Save the Record
Click the Save button.
View Results
You can see the results in the Provider Response column in the grid.
Validation Responses
Pass - the account passed validation and is safe to accept.
Fail - the account did not pass validation and should not be accepted.
Error - there was an issue communicating with the provider. If you receive an error, try refreshing the grid or attempting the validation again after a few minutes.
Unknown - an unexpected response was received from the provider. If this happens, reach out to us directly for assistance and we will contact the provider to investigate.