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How-to: Create a Payment Template (Merchant Portal)

A payment template in the Profituity ecosystem simplifies the creation of payments by serving two main purposes:

  • Store Payment Information: A payment template can store payment details that you can easily reference when creating new payments, ensuring consistency and saving time.

  • Create a Recurring Payment Schedule: By setting up a recurring payment schedule within the template, you automate the process of creating subsequent payments. The system will automatically generate these payments based on the defined schedule, eliminating the need to manually create each one.


  • Log in

  • Access the Payments Section

    • Navigate to the Main Menu and select Payments.

  • Navigate to Payment Templates

    • Click the Payment Templates option.

  • Add a New Payment Template

    • Click the Add New button.

  • Enter Receiver Details

    • Input the receiver's name (the person or business you are sending the payments to).

  • Select Your Merchant Account

    • Choose the Merchant (this should be your Company).

  • (Optional) Associate a Customer Record

    • Click the Customer Id field and select the Customer record you want to associate with the Payment Template.

  • (Optional) Enter an External Id

    • Enter a unique id into this field.

  • Choose Payment Type

    • Select ACH Credit to send money to the receiver.

    • Select ACH Debit to withdraw money from the receiver.

  • (Optional) Send a Pre-Note
    Tip: It's a good practice to send a pre-note to accounts you have not transacted with before. An ACH pre-note ensures payment details are correct before sending actual payments.

    • Click Send Pre-Note if applicable.

    • If you selected the Send Pre-Note option, click the Pre-Note Date field and enter the date you want the pre-note transaction to be sent.

  • Provide Receiver’s Bank Information

    • Enter the routing number, account number, and select the appropriate account type.

  • Determine the Entry Class

    • Select the correct entry class based on how you received authorization from the receiver:

      • CCD for business accounts.

      • PPD if authorized by contract (personal accounts only).

      • TEL if authorized by phone (personal accounts only).

      • WEB if authorized via your website (personal accounts only).

  • (Optional) Identification Number

    • Enter a unique identification number.

  • (Optional) ACH Addenda Text

    • Can be used to provide additional information about the payment to the receiver (e.g. Payment for Invoice 12345).

  • (Optional) Company Entry Description

    • Can be used to provide the receiver with a description of the purpose (e.g. Gas Bill).

  • Set Up Payment Schedule

    • Click the Payment Schedule tab to define the recurring payment schedule.

  • Set the Recurrence

    • Click the Recurrence Pattern field and choose:

      • Daily for payments every X days.

      • Weekly for payments every X weeks.

      • Monthly for payments every X months.

      • Yearly for payments every X years.

      • None if you only want to store the Customer's account information. If you select this option, there is nothing additional needed and you can click the Save button to complete the setup.

You will need to complete the following if you selected a Recurrence Pattern other than None.

  • Set Start Date

    • Click the Start Date field and specify when the plan should start.

  • Specify Recurring Amount

    • Click the Amount field and enter the recurring amount you wish to debit/credit.

  • Set Frequency

    • Click the Frequency field and define how often the payments should occur based on the recurrence pattern you selected.

  • Select Duration

    • Click the Duration field and choose:

      • Fixed Amount if the plan should continue until a specific amount is reached.

      • Fixed Quantity if the plan should continue until a certain number of payments are made.

      • Indefinite if the plan should continue until canceled.

  • Define Non-Banking Day Rule

    • Click the Non Banking Day Rule field and select how the system should handle payments on non-banking days:

      • Following Day to schedule the payment for the next business day.

      • Non Business Day to schedule the payment on the non-business day.

      • Previous Day to schedule the payment for the previous business day.

  • Save the Template

    • Click Save to complete the setup.

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